Monday, July 23, 2007

A Fun Get Away

Rick and I had a blast this weekend!! On Friday afternoon I looked up the weather for the weekend, and it called for rain and cool temps, so we decided to drive to the east side of the mountains where the weather was sunny and absolutely gorgeous!! We headed out on our adventure at 11:00 Saturday morning. The drive to the east was beautiful. The bummer is I forgot to bring the battery charger for our camera, so we didn't get to take pictures. :( We are planning to go out there again before the summer is over, so I will make sure I don't forget the battery charger or the camera.

Saturday afternoon we checked into our hotel (which online stated that it was a three star hotel), only to find out that it looked like we were staying in the projects of downtown Chicago. I have to say that I have no idea where Hotwire got the pictures they placed online b/c it didn't look nearly as luxurious in person as it did online! To get a little more visual for those of you reading this; do you remember the movie National Lampoon's Vacation? The hotel we booked looked like the hotel the Griswold's stayed in on their way to Wally World. Well we called Hotwire and after 40 minutes on hold they were kind enough to rebook our stay at a different hotel. The new hotel was A LOT better!! The pool was clean and the place was immaculate! YEAH for us!!

On Saturday evening after we got settled in our room we swam at the pool, and then got cleaned up and headed out for a nice Italian (my favorite) dinner downtown Yakima. It was yummy!

On Sunday morning we went to church with our friends Doug and Sandy who were out the same direction we were visiting family. The service was incredible! I'm so glad that we overcame the temptation to sleep in on Sunday morning, because I know we were supposed to be at that service! After church we went to lunch with our friends and then headed to the beach to swim and get some much needed sun! I finally have some color on my skin other than white!! No more sunless tanner for me (at least for this week!).

The drive home from our little excursion was neat! We put in Chris Tomlin's CD, Arriving; and worshipped the whole way home. When the song, "How Great is our God" came on we were driving over a bridge that was surrounded by tall green pine trees and mountains all around us. I sang that song with all my heart, and both Rick and I got goose bumps! He sure is a great God! I love admiring his artistry - what an awesome creator we serve!!

I am thankful for such a great trip. I learned and grew more than I thought I ever would when we left on Saturday morning.


Judith and Lance said...

Sounds like so much fun. I'm glad you had a nice weekend together. You 2 are so cute. I love taking trips like that w/ Lance, they are some of my favorite memories. And, YAY for sunless tanner! :)

Angel said...

Sounds like you had a blast! We booked a hotel once online and once we got there it looked horrible compared to the beautiful pictures they had on their website. So, we changed hotels too! Everything always looks better in the pictures!