Monday, September 17, 2007

His Ways are Higher

So after a very busy weekend I am back at work again for the start of another week. Sometimes I feel like my M-F are so mundane! You know the predictable routine work week that starts every Monday and ends on Friday. I know my life isn't boring, in fact God has blessed Rick and I with some very fun and exciting memories over the past year. I just feel like I could be doing so much more for the Kingdom other than sitting at a desk tracking chapel attendance, and doing all of the other various jobs I do as an administrative assistant in this office. Don't get me wrong I know that what I do in this office is ministry and that the Lord is blessed by it, however when I was in Bible College I saw a M-F a lot differently than it actually has turned out to be! I want to be out on the streets feeding the homeless or working in a pregnancy center for unwed mothers, or leading missions trips all over the world. Instead I feel like I am locked up in a jail cell unable to do all the ministry my heart yearns to be doing!

My thoughts go to a verse I have heard a million times before: "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." Today I will remember this promise and hold to it tightly.


sharonie said...

crazy...I was going to email you this verse last week! Wow!!!!!

Bethany Patrice said...

1 Corinthians 15:58 says that "your labor for the Lord is not in vain". If it chapel checking, filing, or wiping off a jr. higher's vomit from the gym floor, it's all for the kingdom! :)